Patents have a limited duration, generally 20 years, during which they are subject to payment of a maintenance fee, which is annual in most countries. Failure to pay the maintenance fee causes the patent to lapse. Patents are not renewable beyond the expiration date. With our advanced computer system, we monitor all deadlines and assist our clients by carrying out the necessary tasks to maintain their patents in force.
Designs have a limited duration, generally from 10 to 25 years; in many countries, the initial duration is 5 years, and can be renewed for additional five-year periods up to a variable maximum of 25 years. Renewal is subject to payment of a fee. With our advanced computer system, we monitor all deadlines and assist our clients by carrying out the necessary tasks to keep their design registrations in force.
Trademark registrations have a limited duration, generally 10 years. This duration can be extended for an equal duration through a renewal request, which consists in filing a specific application and paying the relevant fees under the national laws. Trademarks are renewable indefinitely; the temporal protection they provide is therefore potentially unlimited. In some jurisdictions, in addition to renewal, other intermediate activities are required to keep the trademark registration alive, such as filing affidavits after 3 or 5 years from its registration or paying taxes if the trademark has not been used.
With our advanced computer system, we monitor all deadlines and assist our clients by carrying out the necessary tasks to maintain their trademark registrations in force: filing renewal applications, drafting and filing affidavits, preliminary assessing the adequacy of proof of use of trademarks, when required.