Through web monitoring we can identify counterfeit products, improper uses of our clients’ trademarks, social profiles that violate our clients’ brands or company names, web traffic diversion through infringing domain names or keywords that contain our clients’ brands or any violations of copyright. These illegal contents can seriously compromise the image of a brand or company. It is therefore important to take prompt action to block illegal activities identified on the web and obtain the removal of abusive content.
Having a registered trademark, design or other intellectual property rights is an indispensable prerequisite for taking any action against online counterfeiting, and gaining access to the protection tools made available by E-commerce platforms, Registrars, Hosting providers, social media and search engines, and to achieve an effective result.
Our attorneys and experienced partners can assist you in quickly requesting the removal of illegal content by sending complaints to internet service providers based on your registered intellectual property rights or copyrights, or in activating a domain name reassignment procedure.