Business in Asia with IP
9.15 – 10.00 Registration & Welcome coffee
10.00 – 10.15 Greetings & Introduction from Studio Torta – Mr. ????????????
10.15 – 12.00 Panel discussion Japan, Korea and China: The importance of IP
How can you keep an eye on your cost structure and reduce the margins and the incentive of would-be bad actors? How can you protect your business with and from local
partners? Why is particularly important to consider IP filings? What are the differences to keep an eye on? Contracts and combined protection (trademarks + designs, patents + licensing) should be part of your considerations?
10.15 – 10.45 Saegusa & Partners, Japan – Mr. Masaki Morishima, Mr. Eiji Tanoue
10.45 – 11.15 You Me Patent & Law Firm, Korea – Mr. David Kim, Mr. Cheol Sohn
11.15 – 11.45 Unitalen Attorney at Law, China – Mr. Ray Zhao
11.45 – 12.00 Q & A Session
12.00 – 12.20 Company experience: Aeffe Group – Ms. ?????
12.20 – 12.40 Company experience: Lavazza – Mr. ????????
12.40 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 -14.20 Company experience: Ferrari – Avv. Paolo Lorenzi
14.20 – 14.40 Company experience: CNH – Mr. ?????????
14.40 – 17.30 Panel discussion Japan, Korea and China: Instruction manual
Costs and IP Protection: how to file, save and feel safe. Country specific instructions: what companies should remind if they want to do business in Japan, Korea and China (trademarks in more classes, multiple designs or more designs, patents + utility models). Light enforcement or judicial proceedings? How do you enforce your rights? Web monitoring, custom surveillance, competitor surveillance: are they useful? Common errors and how to avoid them.
14.40 – 15.10 Saegusa & Partners, Japan – Mr. Masaki Morishima, Mr. Eiji Tanoue
15.10 – 15.40 You Me Patent & Law Firm, Korea – Mr. David Kim, Mr. Cheol Sohn
15.40 -16.10 Unitalen Attorney at Law, China – Mr. Ray Zhao
16.10 – 16.30 Q & A Session
16.30 – 17.30 Light aperitif
The attendance is free of charge. Speeches will be in English; simultaneous translation will be provided on request.
Please confirm your participation, preferably by 1st October 2018
For any information, please contact