Business in the Far East with IP

China, Korea and Japan represent excellent business opportunities for our exporting companies.
Industrial Property rights are an essential tool to come to a correct commercial positioning and achieve leadership positions in these markets.
Which corporate and contractual instruments are useful for doing business in the Far East? What strategies are convenient for protecting IP and fighting infringement? Is it useful to file trademarks in local characters? Is it possible to effectively protect the design of products and spare parts? These and other questions will be answered by experts from China, Korea and Japan. Managers of leading Italian companies will share their experience in protecting business and Industrial Property.


9.15 – 10.00     Registration & Welcome coffee

10.00 – 10.15   Greeetings and introduction

10.15 – 12.00   Panel discussion Business strategies

The market and Industrial Property numbers in China, Korea and Japan. How to approach the Far East markets. Doing business through the establishment of companies and joint ventures and the signature of sales, distribution and license contracts. How to protect business through IP.
Why is it important to file trademarks, patents and designs before starting a business? How to defend if a third party files the same brand in bad faith?

12.00 – 12.20   Company experience: CNH Industrial Italia

12.20 – 12.40   Company experience: Alessi

12.40 – 14.00   Lunch

14.00 -14.20    Company experience: Ferrari

14.20 – 14.40   Company experience: Aeffe Group

14.40 – 16.00   Panel discussion –  Protection strategies

Specificity of Industrial Property in each country. Tools to enforce your rights. Judicial proceedings and light enforcement (administrative or police actions, web monitoring, customs surveillance).
Is it advisable to file trademarks in local characters? Is it possible to oppose IP rights to protect our spare parts?

16.00 – 17.00   Light apéritif


Speeches will be in English and Italian; simultaneous translation will be provided, if requested.
Please confirm your partecipation, preferably by 2nd October 2018:
The attendance is free of charge.

For any information, please contact

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