EPO, fair and efficient access by videoconferencing

Covid has imposed deep changes on companies and organizations, which have adapted to remote work and virtual conferencing systems to ensure business continuity.

On “Norme e Tributi Plus” of Il Sole 24 Ore, our partner Luigi Franzolin explores the topic of EPO oral proceedings by videoconference, which was the recent subject of the webinar organized by the Collegio Italiano dei Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale and AICIPI.

As reported by EPO representatives during the event, in the first two months of this year almost 600 oppositions were held via videoconference: all of them were completed successfully, with no major technical problems. The debate on whether to maintain videoconferencing as the standard way of holding oral proceedings even at the end of the pandemic is ongoing. User and business associations have taken different views, often influenced by marketing issues.

To read the article by Luigi Franzolin click here.

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