Intellectual Property Business Congress – Asia
Matteo Maccagnan and Kumiko Kunichika will be attending the IPBC which will take place in Tokyo on October 28-30, 2019.
Should you wish to set a meeting please contact:
Intellectual Property Business Congress – Asia
Matteo Maccagnan and Kumiko Kunichika will be attending the IPBC which will take place in Tokyo on October 28-30, 2019.
Should you wish to set a meeting please contact:
Studio Torta has once again been included in the World Trademark Review 1000, a guide that identifies the top firms [&he [...]
The Court of First Instance of the Hague Local Division has adopted a four-step test and found infringement by equivalen [...]
The first AI Act (EU Reg. 2024/1689) obligations, which include AI literacy and the ban on prohibited AI practices, will [...]